
Mechanical Series

  • Industry


  • No. of Participants


  • No of companies


  • Location

    Pan India


Course Objectives

If a question is asked, as to which is most extensively used mechanical rotating equipment in any industry is the answer will obviously be a “Pump”. It is also a fact that a Pump is an integral part of any industry wherever, transfer of any type of liquid is to be done. Today these are also needed for housing & office / commercial buildings and even hospitals to cater to the needs of either utility water or fire water.

In fact, no one can perceive or imagine any plant/ industry without a “pump” especially the continuous process Industries like Power Plant, Refinery or a Chemical & Petrochemical unit, Fertilizers, Pharmaceuticals etc. So much so that even the supply water from its source to such industries too use Pumps.

As we all know, various types and designs of pumps are available in use in the industries &a particular type of “Pump” is selected & engaged for its duty in that industry.

AFurthermore, it also remains a statement of fact that in today's industrial world, the performance and productivity of any modern day industry to a great extent depends upon, besides the core equipment, the actual availability of balance of plant / equipment. The “Pump” is one such equipment. So, in other words we can say that continuous availability of Pumps greatly contributes to the productivity of any Industry deploying it.

Smallest negligence to understand a Pump & its associated system may create dire emergency ina particular Industry and may cause huge loss of production.

In view of foregoing, the Pumps need extra care, study, condition monitoring & proper decision at its each stage of activities like defining precise requirement or design basis, manufacturing, stage inspection, final inspection, packing, transport, erection, assembly, alignment, site-testing, & commissioning and finally operation and maintenance.

This program is to create awareness among the participants, to look-after this vital equipment called “Pump” in a manner that not only Pump runs efficiently but also its associated system work.

Who will be benefitted?

It shall be a great event when “Participants” from Manufacturers, Project Designers, Users Industries like Power Plants, Fertilizers, Chemical & Petrochemical Plants, Refineries, Water Sourcing & Distribution Companies, Research Institutions, & Contracting agencies and Experts will discuss many technical issues of this equipment based on their in depth understanding of this equipment & sharing their experiences in Industries both in India & abroad. Participants may even get guidance to solve some of its current problems.

Selection, Installation, Operation & Maintenance of Mechanical Seals


A Mechanical seal is one such vital part . the lifeline of the plant on which the safe & economical performance of the plant depends.

Smallest negligence in Mechanical Seal, selection, installation, operation & maintenance may create dire emergency in a particular Industry and may cause huge loss of production.

View foregoing, the Mechanical Seals with latest technology need extra care, study, condition monitoring & proper decision at each level of activities like defining precise requirement, design, manufacturing, final inspection, packing, transport, erection, assembly, alignment, site testing, thorough review of commissioning, operation & maintenance practices.

This program primarily dedicated to make aware & train the available `Human Resource', the participants, to look-after this vital modern “Mechanical Seal “ in an improved manner, to ensure to run the parent industry more efficiently and economically. Globalized competition, demands minimum four years of continuous process plants runs with no outages to survive and for reasonable return on investments.

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